Field of poppies, 1889 Author: Vincent Van Gogh.
Museum: Kunsthalle de Bremen.
Characteristic: oil on canvas 71 xs 91 cm.
Style: Neo-Impresionismo.
Vincent observes an interesting recovery in his disease - no longer he undergoes frequent crises, eating and sleeping well - incorporates the color to his works as we observed in this beautiful field of poppies using a light different from green Wheat field with cypress. The red tones call our attention next to the yellows and lilac, animating the ample range of green that forms the landscape. The perspective sensation is correct, showing to the influence of the photography when cutting the pictorial planes. When incorporating the two houses Van Gogh eliminates that dangerous proximity to the abstraction, Monet and Pissarro were getting close to the abstraction, losing gradually the form.
The force of the stroke continues present, being appraised with clarity the thick use of the paints, which makes these works inimitables.